Monday, September 29, 2014

Got any change ?

We often hear the expectation of change while executing the same actions defines insanity. We replicate actions to prove as scientist that something works, or produces a predictable outcome. Sometime we only need to look at the cycle to see patterns emerge.

Corruption and greed are predictable.  Thomas Jefferson said, “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” Making money from the purchasing power of the poor is what the super-rich have always done.  The poor are eternal consumers who have yet to understand it is their dollars that make the system operate. It is not the corporate boxes that sustain the stadium it is the diehard fans filling those seats. Why complain about ticket prices? All Fans have to do is stay home for one season and everyone will get to enjoy the teams we love because those teams will realize that they need US. The extra man on the field is our wallets.  Maybe then athletes will realize they actually PLAY a Sport for a living.

This dynamic plays out also in the two-party system with BIG donors on the Republican side and the illusion of the Democrats being on the side of the poor.  We are flooded with requests of how our 5, 10, 15 dollars are supposed to help make a change while NO change is occurring.  Those politicians who keep these request coming NEED the people to BELIEVE that they are making a difference. Why is a President who can never serve another term still asking for your hard earned dollars? It is for his party.  It is for those same candidates who are ignoring you on the local level as they feel entitled to progress to the federal level.

We hear both sides fighting for control of the Senate and Congress when NONE of them have done anything but make the poor more poor.  Today I sat in NJ Assembly Chambers and listened to speeches about why a law needs to be passed to let VOTING members of NJ houses know how much money the STATE of NJ has BEFORE it votes on a budget.  WHY does that have to be made law?  NONE of us writes a check from our own accounts without knowing our account balance.  NJ Legislators have done it, continue to do it.  They are beyond any mathematical foundation of accounting. It is why NJ schools are underfunded, pension money is GONE, and the STATE of NJ is insolvent. There is NO accountability.   

Why would any of us think we can write checks because we still have checks? THAT IS FRAUD. Banks have made billions from check fees from people who don’t have the money in their accounts and have prosecuted many for the same.  Why do we keep electing NJ Legislators who do the same?  If you consider your vote like your hard earned cash, not a stretch because the two are inextricably linked, you will stop giving.  You will drive down the price of an election. It is your money. You should be able to determine how it is spent.

We saw today on our trip to the HOUSE they no longer want or allow public comment.  In Fact they did not even come past us while we waited to speak to them BEFORE voting concerning our issue. Tune into my next post to hear those issues, the Bill, and our objections and the outcome.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Accountable ?

During the 2012 Presidential election The Democratic Party raised $1072 Million dollars and spent $985.7 Million. The Republicans spent $992.0 Million and raised $992.0 Million The site on the provided link site breaks down money and where it came from  As election costs climb we have already reached a tipping point.  Many feel our government is for sale. In NJ it may be truer than legally and ethically allowed.

The numbers show that not just anyone can become an elected official as local races are being impacted by money. External special interest money in NJ climbed to record highs last year spending ..."a record $37.8 million to influence New Jersey's races and ballot initiatives — more than twice the $14.9 million special-interest groups spent four years ago, figures released show."  According to article in USA Today

One has to ask where the election boundaries are drawn? Each state is to have its own authority but does not remain free from the influence of outside money. Who is really represented on the highest levels of state government? After years of dominance families in NJ are dominated by powerful families merely handing down offices like family heirlooms.  One does not have to shake the political family tree that hard to find former political office holders.  Most Christie appointees have been lifelong friends or worked with him before. One may wonder where is the accountability in NJ when they all share the same secrets.

This is a problem when full disclosure is demanded by law but only surfaces we some brave soul reveals it in an article or expose' which is forced into obscurity.  This obscurity is being combated by the internet and voters can see for themselves who is who and who knows who. Are we a society that has lapsed into the name game, money game, and the game of covering each other’s secrets?

For so long the two party system has had us all picking a side. We have been divided into red and blue while the American people get the purple whelps from the mismanagement, and lack of accountability concerning tax dollars, bonds, appropriations, and foreign aid.  We have our own issues as we see in social media truths not covered in the main media markets.  Yellow journalism displays the images driven by the money that has purchased them. The terms bailout and subsidies are not what they used to be, as recently they just mean taxpayer dollars given to those who invested the most in campaigns.

One has to wonder how in NJ a second round of Sandy money reached our shores without proper accountability of the first. One has to wonder how it is legal to underfund a pension system. It is also fascinating that there is not one single effort by the NJ legislation to make it law that pensions be properly funded. This past week it took ZERO debate to push the Urban Hope Act past  NJ Senate.  Maybe that is because the public was not allowed to voice its concerns. There is no law properly funding public schools to date.  However, there is legislation to ensure charter schools take their money right off the top of public school funding.  There is no law to make them return funds for the students they return back to public schools.

This is my first blog.  I am sure there will be critics, naysayers and grammatical critics. It matters little.  What matters most is that WE have a voice. As moves are being made to control the internet we need to be aware that big money and those used to having it will not just surrender their control. Our calls for accountability are not being heard. In NJ Christie runs things and he does not mind telling voters that he will do whatever he pleases.... when he pleases.  

"More than 200 school districts in the state are spending more than $2 million this year to implement the state’s new anti-bullying law, according to survey results released Thursday by the New Jersey School Boards Association.
That’s twice what the state Legislature and Gov. Chris Christie agreed Wednesday to put into a state Bullying Prevention Fund, and raises questions about whether, even with the new money, the law might still be considered unconstitutional under the State Mandate/State Pay provision."

I guess when you are big enough you can take people's money and spend it right in front of them and have the audacity to get angry when they complain. You can also get away with making them spend their money on you.  The NJ Legislators all pounced when they smelled blood during Bridge-gate, but then let Christie spend $6 million of our tax dollars to defend himself.  One day all bullies get theirs. It is a shame that those WE pay and entrust to stop them are not.