Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Approval of Purging Voter rolls while the Illegal Purge in Rigging The PRESIDENTIAL election is ignored.

The headline boldly proclaims: Supreme Court allows Ohio and other state voter purges
This is the link to the headline in the Chicago Tribune:
Since when does the absence of exercising ones Constitutional right give the elite the authority to take it away? The people are so distracted by party, race, and the trappings of self-promotion that they don’t see they will eventually lose everything.
The people must learn the breadcrumbs left by anyone other that yourself is not a path. It is bait. When you leave bread crumbs it is with intention and purpose. Follow the trail at your own peril. Law has become a way to make what’s wrong legal. That is not what the system was designed to do. It is how it has been used. We are witnessing the convergence of that practice with the reality of its impact.
One can connect the dots without falling into the baited trap. See it for what it is. Why is there no coverage on Pizzagate? Do they think we have forgotten? Why is there no coverage on the children the Federal government lost track of? Why, in light of the children not being located, are there children being separated in camps? It is a fact that pedophiles have a system that has been operating at the highest levels with the protection of the highest levels.  While our basic rights are being eroded, people continue in the futile exercise of blaming one party or another.
If EVERYTHING is a matter of law and based on legislation, why is the biggest case to enter court in our lifetime being blacked out of the media? This case I am referring to is  Lavergne vs Us House of Representatives. Here is the link: 
   This case calls into question and highlights the lack of representation of ALL Americans to the law making process and points out the very act of making laws is in of itself currently illegal.  The authority to make law is not the complicated process that it is reported to be. Simplified, it is an idea that is voted on and made law. The question we should all be asking is, why do the same people get to make the law all the time. Clearly the laws they make are not benefiting the entire nation.
As of this writing there are 435 people making law who are legally obligated to represent us and our rights. They are morally and legally obligated to vote for us, the people’s interest. That number 435 is less than 7% of what it is legally obligated to be. That number is legally, by the Constitution, supposed to be  over 6200 based on 2010 census numbers.  That is why they are pushing law to control who votes. By purging the rolls they draw down the number of people who can vote.  It is like only selecting those who will agree with you and your objective and claiming it is the best course of action because you decided to only count supporters in your assessment of validity.
The problem still lies not in how many people vote but in how the votes are counted and what those elected do. It is not their responsibility to only do what voters ask. It is their responsibility to do what is in the best interest of ALL citizens, not just those who go to the polls or write donation checks.  If a person chooses not to exercise their right to vote they still have the same rights as those who vote. It is consistent with employees having rights even though they are not a part of the union.
When I served as an elected official I made it clear that I served at the pleasure of ALL our residents, not just the ones who voted for me. I no longer had a vote because in being their representative I became their voice. It became my responsibility to do what they ask, protect them from the elite, corrupt, and criminal enterprises that may be attempted. It was also my responsibility to inform them of those things that were not in their best interest and hold accountable those who worked against the public good for personal gain. There is no greater measure of trust than allowing a representative to go on you behalf, in your stead, to carry your message.
Purging rolls is being supported while the illegal purging took place and no one has gone to jail for breaking the law. The law is being used to make that which was previously illegal, now legal.  The further disenfranchisement must be seen for what it is. Why would any entity of responsible public trust reduce the number of voices to be heard? Why would anyone in the role of a representative of the public, knowing full well the number of people who vote is already drastically inconsistent with the number of citizens, reduce access? It is about control. It is not about representation. Not pnly do they desire to control law and its creation, but its application as well.
Those who break the law are being protected by those sworn to uphold the law. The corruption is at an all-time high and visible to the point that it is confusing who did what and when. All we know for sure is that all the accomplices must be removed from their places of influence and held accountable.
Lying to Congress used to be a professional death sentence. Why? It is because lying to Congress was lying to the representatives of the people, which is in effect lying to the people. The truth is that the representatives have been lying to the people so long that when a liar sits before Congress and lies they won’t take action because those who pay them to lie to us will just buy another liar.
I can’t over express the importance of voting. We take the time to seek the approval of others or just to let our voices and choices be heard on social media platforms CONSTANTLY. Why not take the time to make sure you voices can be heard where it really matters. Where is that? That is on the level of government that can and will silence your voices and remove your choices.

I am Allen J Cannon and I am Anti-Corruption.