Saturday, April 25, 2015

Being the first today and yesterday

I was born in 1963. Where I grew up I was taught by family, teachers, and books. I knew prejudice existed but I learned that people perpetuate it. I can remember right outside a college campus not being served because our family wanted to enjoy a meal together in honor of our first family member entering college. We were however, still black. Yes it was illegal and yes the family member, a student was with us. We watched as others were seated after we had been waiting patiently. My mother insisted we be seated. When told to wait until something came available in a very offensive tone, she quietly showed her badge. The tone changed but the intent to harm was still there. We were seated and then left as it seemed evident we could not trust that we would get a quality meal. Yes this occurred in a very affluent area in NJ.

One would have to know my family to understand what drives me.  You see, in a quiet way my family has managed to be first in a great many things.  I always wanted to be first at something. I learned that to even have a shot at being first you had to be good. Good at what you did but better as a person. You had to understand that people examine you. Your actions could ruin everything for the next person. 

My mom was one of the first black females to enter the Camden County Sheriff Department. Her brother was the first Black licensed polygraph examiner for the state of NJ.  While I can go on and on concerning their public service and achievements,  the point is they taught me to be good not first. I saw them and wanted to be like them. 

Wanting to be the first must be for the right reasons. I hoped I could be the first someone of color or the first human to accomplish something. I hoped there would be an instant where my color would not matter to those who held the opportunity in their hands. I hoped that at some time and place my character would be considered. That is Martin’s real dream. That it does not matter what any of us are, but what matters most is that we were the best choice. I say this to wake people up to the fact that there is a shift that has occurred.

The shift is that we allow celebrity or popularity to influence us. Voting is not a horse race where you pick the winner. It is where you pick who you want to win. Not knowing the difference can result in a life time of shoveling the crap they leave behind.
We see publically that the first is always heralded. It is seen as a triumph that we are moving forward. Do we really see where we are? Do we see that it is time, long overdue time to have the best and not just the first? It is time we embrace character above all. 

People may be blinded by the opportunity to have the first person of gender, color, or religion to reach a level that has not yet been attained. Where are we when it relates to being the first person of honor to serve having not yet arrived?

I look at candidates to see if they have kept their promises and used ethical practices to encourage support. No one is perfect but I am not blinded by their crafted messages and stances. As being the first Black man elected to office in my town I did not make that the reason I should be elected. It was not part of my platform. I simply wanted to be the best choice.

No one agrees on everything that an official does. It is the fact that they are entrusted to represent those who voted for them and those who did not. All the constituents are to be heard and considered equally. I encourage debate because it gives officials information regarding what is important to each person, adult and child affected by the choices those in office make.

It is my intention to learn the truth and spread the truth. It is to educate voters. I believe that education is the singularly most important factor of life. Poverty can be overcome by what we learn. Poverty can be avoided by what we learn. Fitness and nutrition can be determined by what we learn. Learning is not just words it is applying what we believe. Learning does not take place without a teacher, even if it is we that teach our selves.

Being first remains something to be honored not expected or something to which one is entitled. For those who say it’s about time, I am willing to wait for the best. Many times we delay the arrival of the best because we stay in our places too long or treat our place as a possession instead of a moment when we are responsible. The responsibility is to be passed on to those taught and prepared.  Responsibly is nothing without accountability. Laws are what establish boundaries. These boundaries are a matter of choice. The choice to remain in the boundaries is a matter of honor. Enforcing law without bias is among the highest of responsibilities.

November is months away and  2016 is a little while away. We have time to see if we are experiencing a well-crafted message or the real heart of a person. We see opposition mounting but must remember that just because an opponent brings things to light it does not mean it is untrue.

Those who have place themselves above the law still want and need your votes. If you do not believe you could have avoided prosecution if you were them do not give them your vote. Celebrity does not make one above the law. Years of service are easily tarnished by bad choices.  Some do whatever they want because they have never been caught. Many have been jailed for far less that those who have stolen billions while in office. When those next to them cannot say a word because they have done the same thing justice does not apply and law is not enforced.

I take little stock in those who play at being regular when on the average day there is nothing regular about their lives, their friends, or their crimes.  We live in a world where the superficial gets media saturation and lives of celebrities matter more to some than the policies created impacting our lives. 

We The People must wake up. We still have the power of the vote for now. We must understand that education is what is being voted on by those who are not regular. Their kids are not regular. They and their kids are not affected by the legislation they pass. Saying we have a problem with police, public education, and what amounts to modern day bribery is not enough.  We must elect those who will do something beyond talking or making our woes a political point. Actions speak louder than words and until someone goes to jail for the billions they took, is charged with lying to the public or using their influence solely for the benefit of campaign contribution we must look for other candidates.  I hope we all find someone with honor.

I think being first is still an honor. Being a representative of another human being is a responsibility that comes with high ethical and moral standards. It has fallen to us, the voters to ensure the standard is established and maintained. Pleading guilty and resigning takes qualities that would have prevented the charges in the first place.  Those are honor, courage, and discipline. It takes more courage to admit when one is wrong as one must face the possible loss caused by poor choices.

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