Friday, March 30, 2018

Can you name the most important piece of information in Government RIGHT NOW!

Many still do not believe the case of LaVergne Vs Us House Of Representatives is real. Despite the fact that this case has been in court since April of 20017. ( ). It is not our fault that more people do not know what this case means or of its existence.  Something this important has existed for almost a year and a march that took place for one day is covered all over the world. One would be wise to wonder how that could be possible.

I submit for your consideration that the deepest connected legal minds in the country hired by the most powerful people in the country have not managed to get this case thrown out on a technicality. 

To make this abundantly clear. This case has, on one, side FIVE regular guys. On the other opposing side, is every state Attorney General for all 50 states of the United States of America, and attorneys who represent ALL the members of the House, the US Senate, The President, The Vice President and the Secretary of the US Chamber of Commerce.  The litigants makes this newsworthy all by itself.  Five guys against all of their legal prowess, meanwhile the public is distracted by stories of pets, beauty tips, vacations, and the lifestyles of the rich and famous.

What makes this story NOT newsworthy? Certainly, if it was “Frivolous” they would have found a way to end this quickly. People have said it would never happen.  They may have meant we would never get this far. People said we were crazy.  They never read the evidence.  Where are we as a society when we just accept that corruption will do as it pleases?  Those who have no hope, rely on those of us who do.  We who have hope that justice exists, and the law actually means something have never stopped hoping.

Please allow me to impart a bit of enlightenment.  There is a case named Lavergne V Bryson. It took place in NJ. The judge in the case dismissed the case. The case is the type of case where a three judge panel would have to convene to dismiss the case on merit. A single judge could determine the presiding court did not have jurisdiction, and refer the case to an appropriate court.  In the case mentioned a single judge dismissed the case based on merit. When it happened of course those who brought the case were upset. It was a clear miscarriage of the law. In fact, it was wrong. 

During the Lavergne V House case the attorneys of several States and the Federal attorney argued that one of the plaintiffs should be removed. This is a measure called collateral estoppel.  Not only did it not apply in this case, but it opened the case of LaVergne V Bryson back up revealing the issue of improper dismissal.  Keep in mind all the plaintiffs in this case are Pro se. The best the highest paid trained minds could come up with was to try to throw one of the plaintiffs off?

The sheer fact that we are all Pro se (that means we are NOT attorneys and do not have lawyers representing us), is NEWS… yes BIG NEWS. So, why is this not being reported when celebrity relationships and corruption are in the headlines EVERY day?  It is not that media does not know. You can look at my TL on twitter  @AJC4Others and see how many times I have contacted them all about this case. I often place this case on something THEY tweeted!

For those who say 6000 members in the House is too many, I offer this. One elected person authorized by the Constitution speaking on the behalf of millions but selling that voice to the highest bidder is NOT working.  It does not work in the Oval Office, head of the FBI, head of the Unions, or in the case of any department head.  The constituency is supposed to remove those who sell their influence. That is how it is designed to work. The limit placed on the size of their constituency is painstakingly designed to limit the power of one person. No one state can run the country, especially not now. 

In the light of felony election fraud there is not a single member of Congress who is not guilty of the most egregious offence possible in public office. They violated the public trust and undermined the very process which makes ELECTING a President LEGAL and binding.  ALL incumbents are guilty of that. Any State could have challenged the election results through their representation in the Senate. You want to support a Senator? Ask them. Ask them why no member of the Senate or the House of Representatives called for an official investigation to rigging the election. The Rigging by the DNC, which the DNC admitted it in court and claimed it was their right to do so as a private organization.

Why are we bombarded with the narrative that Russia influenced the election by Facebook ads when Facebook filtered most anti-Hillary content and censored accounts which did not support her?  Why is Facebook is not being investigated? Why is Google is not being investigated in its role in manipulating search results? This is what 6000 new members in the House of Representatives will fix. These new members can, and will call for and conduct investigations WITH OUTCOMES that will lock up criminals, those taking bribes, and lock up their cronies. Do you remember that 3 day Government shutdown? Their lawyers got a 30-day extension from it. They are running out of time and excuses.

For those who don't get it, think it will make things worse, or have made their living from selling influence it does not matter what you think. What matters is this is ALREADY LAW.  It is already law. We all know ignorance of the law is no excuse. Ask any judge.

This 6000 plus membership will be comprised of US. For the first time in modern history we will have real representation.  Elected office will no longer be a family heirloom to be passed to offspring and college pals. It is time to return ethics, honor, service, and our voices back to where they belong.  We must spread the word of this because they will distract the public and spin this so many ways you won’t know what to do… or believe.

There is no need for all these Representatives to even live in Washington. Many companies and the Federal government have employees who work from home. Secure connections exist and work. It is why breaking a secure net, taking data from a secure net, and altering a secure net is a CRIME.  We have the technology and resources to govern this country so that AMERICA is GREAT for us all.  The time is now and it is OUR TIME.

I am Allen J Cannon,

I am Anti-Corruption

If you still don’t believe here is the transcript from LaVergne Vs Bryson.:

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