Monday, June 22, 2015

Open Letter to NJ Taxpayers and small business.

I ask all small business owners, State workers, Police, Fire, and Teachers to remember as we fight for NJ Pensions, why we fight. We fight because NJ workers were promised pension payments during the campaign of Gov Christie who sent letters to each union saying he would not touch pensions. 

Not only has he reduced benefits, he has increased all contributors obligation. Then the Gov broke his own law.

As campaign season starts remember that this problem did not happen over night. The difference is Christie has broken the law he himself passed. He has also taken more out of NJ pensions than all previous "borrowers" combined. The violations of ethics surrounding where the pension money has actually gone is another issue. ACCOUNTABILITY is the issue that the members of the NJ legislature refuse to address. $600 Million in fees, and some to his wife,  and millions tied to the firm that lost millions in the casinos. The same casino Christie himself gave tax abatement. The same casino that claims to have never made a profit.

 There are no charges against Christie for misappropriation of funds, conflict of interest, and ethics violations. There is no word on his misleading campaign statements about NJ pensions or the state of NJ and its credit picture and its impact to all small businesses across the state. It cost more to cover employees and to borrow for operations.

Please remember that NONE of the elected NJ representation serving in DC has said a single word to defend the pension contributors of the state of NJ. NOT ONE WORD. They will come back to town to collect campaign donations and talk of all they have been busy doing. I just ask you to remember that they have not fought for you. or any of us. They have not used the NATIONAL stage to make OUR issue important. As NJ finance Credit Rating has been downgraded 9 yes NINE times under Christie, big corps still get HUGE tax breaks while our unemployment and property taxes still are the highest in the nation.

Speeches don't change the reality in NJ. Law is what makes the reality. Those who are above the law enjoy enforcing it on everyone except themselves and their friends. Take this election seriously. NJ is on the verge of financial ruin. WE have all paid our fair share and then some, but they have not been held accountable in how billions of dollars have gone missing or been misappropriated.

It is time someone is held accountable. Its time someone pays US. Its time someone pays what they owe US. It is time that those who have made a living off our tax dollars be retired. I am sure their pensions are safe while they have squandered all of ours.  The fact that some of them are drawing state pensions and still working for the state (some double & triple dipping) makes this situation the ultimate slap in the face. This is not about party. They are ALL partying on us.

The fact that all this money is missing / misappropriated is the highest betrayal of oath of office, ethics, and too easy to track to conflict of interest.  The arrogance of not hiding and creating a culture of corruption must end. It is not acceptable that NJ is corrupt. It is not acceptable that courts, prosecutors and the lawmakers themselves act as if nothing can be done.

Every municipality, every tax payer, and every property tax collection has occurred on time and with penalty. WHERE is OUR money? The Exxon settlement could have fixed this mess and made NJ stable. Once again Christie intervened to save his donors some money. He would rather see the entire state collapse than break a big donor promise. That alone is worthy of charges....but still not a single charge.

Think about it. Every elected official swears on a holy book that they will defend the people, the Constitution, and uphold the law, to the best of their ability with the help of the creator. An oath is a sacred promise. One who breaks an oath of office certainly can't be expected to honestly abide by swearing an oath in court to tell the truth.  Perjury, lying, and campaign promises all have different legal definitions.  We have all learned since childhood the difference between the truth and a lie. Anything other than more truth mixed with the truth makes it a lie.

Law hinges on technicalities, presentation, and sometimes facts, if the facts are admissible. I still hinge my vote on the truth. It is not influenced by the spin, the loop hole, the media manipulation or a short memory.  Either something was done or it wasn't. We must honestly examine who did nothing to prevent OUR NJ from entering this abyss. We must know who sat silent, just talked and who put themselves before ALL OF NJ.

Not everyone can afford to leave NJ. They have made laws so that you have to even pay to leave. Not every one wants to leave. What we want is accountability. What we want is for those responsible to be held to the same standard we live by and have built our lives in NJ upon. We want the promises that made risking our lives in the line of duty, working long hours, and accepting the wages paid in the hope that one day we would have the retirement we EARNED.

Lastly, ethics violations need not be intensely proven. It is the APPEARANCE of IMPROPRIETY that must exist.  Ask the people of Camden, Newark, and Trenton if impropriety exist as NJ legislators made laws to allow the selling or their public school systems. Ask the victims of Sandy still living with a claims system that leaves them without restoration if they want the promises made to them kept. Ask the coastal towns polluted by Exxon if restoration is important. Ask the workers in Atlantic city's failed casinos if they want jobs. Ask the legislators who have labeled him a bully if they will stand up for NJ. Is it still a felony to threaten an elected official or has NJ changed that too for the benefit of big donors?

While Charleston, SC is still fresh we in NJ know our plight is one of greed, not color. our situation is dire as the pens of NJ are used as weapons. We stand united for what we have earned, paid for, and worked hard to build. It is what we deserve by the same rights our lawmakers collect their pay. It is time to stop paying for work that goes undone and work that is unethical and in the interest of a very few.

The media does not have to cover our struggle therefore we must make history take notice that the end of corruption in NJ will come by our votes. Join the fight by talking about what is at stake. We are the change we seek.  God bless you all who are fighting for NJ and an honest government bound by the oath of office and the hard work of those living in NJ.