Thursday, April 12, 2018

What really happened when Bernie Sanders went south.... a response !

This is a response to the article Bernie Sanders in the Deep South by Brianna Joy Gray The link is below.

It would be difficult to cover all the things one could say about the Black vote in a single article but, this attempt is not meant to accomplish that mission. When we look at the loss of over 1000 seats by the Democrats, one thing is a fact. The seats have been lost.  The loss of Hillary actually made that fact public knowledge. There is more to the story.

The Black community is a complex living breathing entity. It has varying levels of understanding, education, and economics. A consistent theme could be the physical decline often noted while a parallel effort to improve exists.  It is an economy and environment of struggle. People who live inside are not all trying to get out. They are not all trying to sell drugs for a living, walk around strapped, or dropping out of school to hang on corners.

While those things happen in Black communities the foundations of education, living wage employment, and personal effort exist but are under constant attack.  Local politics have filled elected offices with ineffective politicians while simultaneously growing community leaders trying to make a difference.  These things brings us to logical questions. Why have things not gotten better?  Why are these communities in constant states of decline, debt, and often blatant corruption? The answer is politics.

A deeper examination of the Black community often reveals career politicians who have long careers and are often democrats.  The offices are usually filled with establishment candidates and no local advocates usually break through primaries.  It’s as if the people on the ground, the advocates, never make it past primaries and often rack up losses trying. These losses become seemingly legitimized as futile, as the issues raised in campaigns just keep getting worse. Fact is proven by watching and urban film made in the 1980’s.  The issues are still the same and in many instances have worsened.

In the article Bernie is reported to address the fact that the Democratic party has not met the needs of the black community, as a business model. Here is an excerpt from the article:

“The business model, if you like, of the Democratic Party for the last 15 years or so has been a failure,” said Sanders. “People sometimes don’t see that because there was a charismatic individual named Barack Obama. He was obviously an extraordinary candidate, brilliant guy. But behind that reality, over the last ten years, Democrats have lost about 1,000 seats in state legislatures all across this country.”

Is that shade? One would have to step into the sun to really feel the heat of the truth.  Here it comes.  Many black people hold President Obama as a hero and a role model.  I was as proud as any black person who witnessed something I never thought I would see in my lifetime. That is a Black President.  It was a major accomplishment and our families could often be seen crying in disbelief and joy during his swearing in.  In other parts of the nation there was just swearing.

The election of President Barack Obama is what made Donald trump possible. I will give you time to grasp your pearls and breathe. Now follow plain logic if you will.  I and many did not know Hillary was as bad as she was until I hung on every word of then Senator Obama. I did not stop there. I began to dig on my own, certain that if this man was telling the truth he would not be alive long enough to have it known worldwide.

So, I dug. I did research. I found that he was actually being polite or maybe his articulation came off that way, but the facts were enlightening and horrifying. I could not get my mind around how honest he was about how bad she was for this nation.  The level of corruption he spoke of and was also referenced by Mrs. Obama was mind blowing. The link below reveals some things that now make far more sense than they did when we first heard them. Frame all words thinking articulation does not equal truth.  We hear the eloquent words. Some are impressed by how words flow never realizing which direction the current leads.

See the exchanges here: 

If we are to frame all the things said about both candidates by the candidates themselves in the Clinton-Obama race in a narrow perspective of them both being honest about each other a different picture emerges. If we just do our own research to verify what was said it changes what we believe. If we combine those words with what actually happened, not by what we believe, we see how President Trump won. As a caveat, I am not a President Trump fan.  There is something far more dangerous about a person who does not fully realize what one has until it is destroyed, lost or abused. We pray for him because the nation is now by sworn oath his responsibility.

One of my assessments of President Obama is based in the fact that I believed what he said about Mrs. Clinton as did many. Given that fact no one would vote for her. I would have never hired her for anything. I did not understand why he would. If he was certainly good enough to convince me how bad she was I am certain he knew more than he told us.

I admit I was naive.  It was not until Hillary ran again that all she did while empowered by the office President Obama gave her that we learned how bad she really was.  As a military Veteran I believe that the top is responsible. The top holds the power of accountability and responsibility.  Therein lies the rub, or bern.

Many can speak of accountability but rarely have the power to make and hold those violating law accountable for their actions. That is not an opinion. That is a fact. Another fact is that if one has the power and does not use it they are guilty of the infraction, violation, betrayal, or crime by being complicit.

Previously, I mentioned the Black community as a complex living entity. It thrives by what it is fed. Both negative and positive grows to maturity based on its diet.  It does not have fully viable food, information, or power. Things in each category just mentioned are the best and worse humans have ever known.  

As Bernie knows the DNC admitted to felony election fraud in court I can question his desire to act on his power of accountability and his authenticity.  As a member of the Senate he has spoken about Russian hacking the election. The issue’s problem is evidence and a DNC confession to crime exists in official court documents of felony election fraud. Bernie has the power as a Senator as do ALL Senators and Representatives to call for an investigation into the confession and hold those people responsible for crimes. Why this is important is covered in another blog here: 

The logic chain should make the following connections: 
  1. President Obama was right about Hillary in 08, 
  2. President Obama hired Hillary
  3. Hillary established unsecured server, uses position as SoS to collect billions while breaking national security protocols which she knew existed as Flotus, and Senator.
  4. Hillary buys DNC and pays for Steele dossier 
  5. Hillary destroys evidence in Federal indictment case
  6. DNC exposed for felony election fraud, DNC chair resigns and is hired by Hillary
  7. Bernie gets cheated, millions of Bernie supporters get purged from Dem rolls and delegates witness collusion to rig the nomination first hand
  8. Bill and lynch meet on a plane Hillary is let go by Comey
  9. Investigation on Hillary reopened
  10. President Obama and all Dems campaign for Hillary including Bernie.
  11. Hillary, President Obama and DNC expects all cheated voters to support her based on being Black and loyal to Obama, hate and fear of Trump.
  12. Trump wins
There is a book written by Hillary blaming everyone for her loss.  Those 1000 seats lost did not happen overnight. It took an epiphany by voters to see the promises made have not been kept.  Those promises were not kept by politicians and parties. Seeing the truth of the elected responsibility to have at least made an effort to keep those promises prompted voters to withdraw support.

As a voter I would have never known Hillary as the person I see her as today, had it not been for President Obama.  Even as Commander in Chief I hold him responsible for Benghazi. As I said, authority and accountability start at the top. He eventually fired Hillary or she left. We may never know which is fact.  The facts we do know are that had he never hired her she would not have had access to secure emails, decision authority in Benghazi, or a position in the State Department to monetize for personal gain. We can't say for sure if Russia would still own 20% of US Uranium, or if she would have the money to buy the DNC. I doubt it.

So were the voters to actually see the logic behind this presentation I would offer this sentiment. We the people will not give up or give in. Truth and facts are the most precious commodity available.  We cannot fix things we do not know are wrong or are afraid to face. Disappointment happens.  When we learn the truth, we are often disappointed. It is nothing wrong with changing to get better.  We have witnessed our hope and the very change we seek used against us. We have learned and are trying to teach all to verify facts and seek truth.

We can no longer trust those who have a platform to raise awareness but fail to carry the full truth with them. Charisma is something Bernie knows something about. How to deal with the DNC and election fraud are lessons he still has yet to learn.  As for what happens in the Black community, I have this to say.

We take the bitter with the sweet. We have homes and the streets. Blame and game is all around. We empowered silence, and sound. To go up you must be down or figure out a way around that which will grind you to dust. We trust, sometimes more than we should and sometimes not enough. We aspire to become while some settle for what is. Every day we define the word "ENOUGH".  We either don't have enough, which we make enough, have enough, or have taken enough that we can't take anymore.  Enough is the concept the wealthy can never understand because it all can never belong to just one man. The world is often surprised at what we become without admitting it’s because we have made it past everything designed to turn us to dust.  

The Black community is alive.  That is a fact. Just ask the makers of Black Panther. 

I am Allen J Cannon and I am Anti-Corruption