Sunday, December 27, 2015

Holiday power of the consumer and voting

When will we see that the federal government is not faceless? It is comprised of those we voted for. Many opt out of voting and then complain about having to opt out of testing. It is time to send a clear message that we will OPT IN to voting them OUT! These career politicians have spent an entire lifetime living off of the people they are so quick to label as welfare recipients, freeloaders, whiners and the like. Many of them have not worked a job, gotten fired, laid off, or even made minimum wage. The 99% must realize that these captains of industry and super wealthy got to where they are because of the consumers...the 99% spending the little they have on their products. If you want to see real change buy all your stuff from one place. or pick one store to stay out of. They fear the boycott. They fear that they will be the one we decide to boycott. Just because a store stays open 24 hrs does not mean you have to pass through its doors. No store gives away stuff. They only go as low as they TELL YOU IT COST. They index consumer confidence and the message is always GO SPEND! After 9/11 the message was spending =healing. Just think about it.

 What our mentality is costing us is our schools, our voting rights, our entitlement to equal justice under the law. It is costing us affordable housing, It is costing us higher taxes in the poorest neighborhoods. It is costing us our future, Keep voting for those who have been in power for 10-20 years and keep listening to them say they are fighting for you. Things will get worse because they are still in power and we are still protesting. It is time to focus. Deny them data and dollars. It is the only way to see real change. When you stop shopping in a store it creates a surplus and backs up inventory that is already on order based on anticipated sales. USE their anticipation against them. Cause the uncertainty to be a part of their lives... not just ours. their biggest fear was that terror would stop us from shopping. How many times was the President on TV before the Christmas shopping season?

Any candidate can flip-flop according to what ever audience they appear before. Now we can relay those statements across the us in real time. The capacity is only valuable if everyone is paying attention.  To end corruption we must remove those who are corrupt and those who cower in the face of corruption. I do not want a weak Representative. I do not want a fearful Representative. The problem is that in representing someone those being represented have more to lose than the person being represented. Lawyers don't go to jail .... its their clients who face prison. After the verdict they are out to dinner and drinks and on to the next case. 
We are fighting this education, tax, and campaign reforms with lawyers who have no stake in this fight. They will continue life no matter what the outcome unless WE make them have something to lose.

Consider this. Chelsea Clinton has an apartment costing 10.5 MILLION dollars. ITS AN APARTMENT!!! What about her life or the lives of the Clinton's will change if HRC is NOT President. I venture to say NOTHING. What about your lives will change if she BECOMES President? Christie has send 3 Billion dollars of NJ pension money and to Wall Street without any charges from the NJ Legislature or the SEC.He is a Presidential Candidate with actual poll numbers less that 1% ( but not according to their polls).

When it comes to all those in office who have been there long enough to get Citizens United passed, Charter school proliferation going. the eternal under-funding of public education, and the roll back of voters rights we should all become more focused on getting them out. They have made enough money to insulate themselves from the policies they have created to stay in power, create a less educated nation, and a sentiment of powerlessness against the government that is supposed to be comprised of us not THEM.

As we make our new years' resolutions make one that will impact your future and all of those to come. Pledge to work to be an educated voter. Do not vote based on party, gender, ethnicity, or any other divisive quality. Reputations are for sale and they make a poster child  out of someone with a good rep in a hot second to get what they want. Its called BUYING a person. So the same excitement you wanted on your family's faces opening gifts and at the holiday meal it should be so on election day. It should be a joyous day knowing you actually did something for the future of your family.

Long after toys break, money is spent, and food is eaten, the one thing that made all those things possible is education. Knowing where to shop, read a recipe, measure ingredients, navigate a map, being able to tell time, balance a check book, having living wage employment and teaching the value of family comes from education.  It is what the 1% has protected for themselves while decimating ours. I hold the belief that knowledge is cumulative. They know that. The basis of what the 99% learns keeps getting changed on purpose. It is under the guise of improvement. There is no improvement. There is only the changing of the rules.... while theirs keep moving forward. As we consider equity their system is working for them. That is proof that the 99% need not come up with a NEW plan. Theirs is working. Theirs is being improved. Theirs does not have to start over from scratch. They have the system that works. It is what ALL children should have. That is justice. That is how we make America great. That is how we invest in America's future. That is EQUITY. That is every child and parents' right by law and under the Constitution. That is how children and parents learn about nutrition,  ecology, energy sources, technology, health, exercise, non-violence, tolerance, and conflict resolution. That is how one is empowered to escape poverty. That is how the school to prison pipeline is broken. Education takes place in and out of the class rooms. Children have taught parents to speak English, do math, and to read.  Look around and teach each other the right way and right reasons to vote.

Voting is a chance to change the policy makers, and money takers. It is a chance to break monopolies, hire the best, and fire those who are the best at making deals for themselves. Now for the first time we have the technology to fact check during actual debates. You won't see it happen on screen but it is happening on Facebook and Twitter. The simple truth is eventually they will have to discard all our votes to stay in power. It is why they redistrict and gut the VRA. We must act now before it is too late.  Yes this is a long blog  but its the last one of the year so yes i am letting it fly. Why is it tax payers pay for Democratic and Republican primaries? They raise millions of dollars , so why should we pay for it?

I wish you all the best in the new year. I pray for your clarity, dedication to your life, your liberty, and your freedom, but above all I pray for your education. Many have died defending and believing that the Constitution applies to us all. Many have sacrificed that we all have a right to vote. Honor those whose sacrifice has made our situations better.
"But I would not have you to be ignorant, brothers, concerning them which are asleep, that you sorrow not, even as others which have no hope."-1 Thes 4;13 
Be well... happy holidays and a prosperous New Year !--AJC

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