Sunday, October 22, 2017

Open Letter To VP Pence and All citizens of the United States

This is an open letter to VP Pence, all future and past Presidents of the United States, its citizens, and all elected Representatives of its people and territories.

Standing with Veterans is not just rising from a chair and standing behind a microphone or using media dissemination to make a point. As a 25-year Vet, I stood with Veterans. I stood with them in every military engagement from Vietnam to Iraq and Afghanistan. My standing with them began in signing up for military service, taking an oath, and doing all humanly possible not to break that oath. In standing with them I supported operations that I was not on the ground to be a part of as well of those I was in an expeditionary role. In standing with my fellow service members, my actions and those “standing with” us supported the safe return and honorable dignified commemoration of those compatriots lost to us in service and their civilian counterparts.

This service includes Grenada, Bosnia, Desert Storm I & II, OEF, OIF, Korea, Europe, responding at the Pentagon and disaster relief. In addition to these well-known instances there are countless others the American people are not privy to. This service also includes working in uniform for the Department of The Army Casualty and Mortuary Affairs, and at VA hospitals as a Soldier, and DOD Civilians. Standing with them became standing with us. We are inseparably one. Of this service, I am humbly proud and deeply honored.

I have served knowing the broken promises Veterans face and the deep dedication which we have to each other in service. As emotionally difficult the duty IS to serve those who have lost family in service to OUR nation it is a different kind of emotionally charged duty in comparison to serving those who are injured. Why is that so? It is because the bond between Service Members leaves the survivor feeling they have let their team down and their absence may prevent another brother or sister in arms from coming home safely. The families caring for the member is a service that changes their lives. 

Please be mindful that not all injuries are visible with the naked eye. Many live with wounds sustained in service to this nation. Some are afraid of the perception those they have protected may have of them if these wounds were to be known.  The fear, failure to seek treatment, and just trying to deal with it on their own, is a testament to what they believe is will, strength, dignified pride, and independence because they don’t want pity.

I have the personal experience of trying to convince these valiant, brave, and honorable people that they must focus on their recovery and life outside the military. I have also had to help families deal with the new responsibility of supporting that effort. It is no easy task because of the selflessness our members have. Selflessness and dedication are traits OUR members have as a foundation.
I always look them and their loved ones in the eye to convey our commitment to supporting them.

Support comes in many ways. Prayers, demonstrations, financial support, appropriations, proper equipment, acknowledgment of service, welcome home celebrations, receptions, and keeping promised benefits in place.  Our members are shown who really cares about them in many ways. They also know who is selfishly politically jeopardizing or exploiting these greatly appreciated support efforts.

The next time you or anyone utters the words “I stand with our troops” consider these things. Paying bonuses to those who deny us medical treatment is not standing with us. Reducing our benefits and breaking the terms of our agreements to serve, is not standing with us. Standing behind a podium making speeches about us without sharing our burden, is not standing with us. Not taking care of those who have lost one of us, is not standing with us. Making any disparaging remarks about any of us or our families, is not standing with us. Not protecting those we have sworn to protect, is not standing us. Attacking those who support us, is not standing with us.

To be clear, distractions while in uniform jeopardize every mission. Lives are always in the balance while in uniform. We accept the risk. Our families support us in this monumental decision.  Service members cannot fully focus on our mission when we are worried about home and those we love. Worry is something we and our families face with courage, hope, and faith.

 We understand we represent our nation and do not take the responsibility lightly. Congress, the branches of government, and the White House must understand that it is painting a picture of the US that makes the dutiful service of those who volunteered harder. These entities are also making it harder for the current and next generation of protectors to justify what it is we are protecting, and from who or what protection is legitimate.

You nor anyone can “stand with us” unless you join us. You can, as can everyone else, rise to support us, encourage, strengthen, and love us. Whether one takes a knee as we do in presenting this nation’s flag to the families of the fallen, standing with hand over heart, or meeting us at the airport upon our return, it is gratitude we have earned and sacrificed to obtain.

The odd thing is that less than 1% of our population ever serves in the military at any given time, while 100% enjoys the freedoms we provide. Freedom of speech is not meant to give one the right to be offensive but to express one’s self so that every citizen may be heard. There is a way of saying things that one wants to convey. Even if those things are untruthful, it is how it is said and by whom that makes statements believable or effective.

When it comes to the NFL, any citizen, or organization expressing their position must remember it is us in uniform standing together with the support of a grateful nation ensuring the rights and freedoms of expression. You may exercise, as a private citizen whatever perspective you desire. We who serve do so that your ability remains intact. As a representative of this nation as we are also, please know we would appreciate a deeper allegiance to those we are bound and obligated to serve. As our actions are no longer our own nor our responsibilities relegated to our own agendas. Please continue to support us in accordance with our nations oath of office. It is the oath by which we all swear. It is an additional oath I have also sworn as an elected official in addition to the those to which I am bound by military service and an employee of a government agency.

In closing, our Service Members cannot afford to play politics or be divided on issues highlighted by the media and those with a platform to raise. We are one team. All branches of service work together as a matter of duty. We are resolute in bringing all of us home never leaving those by our side behind. When we ask for support, as we do and will we would also appreciate you knowing what support means. Every citizen has the opportunity to apply to stand with us. Those who do not qualify for military service are told why.  We do not harbor any animosity toward those who choose not to serve. In so saying we will not be disrespected, demeaned, or exploited by those who chose not to stand with us, or used their influence to avoid service.

As I finish this letter I take a knee in prayer for our Service Members in harms way. I also pray for you and all our Representatives. I pray you all will have the fortitude to ensure elections are fair, our military is not squandered for corporate interest, and that those in positions of influence will work to ensure safe water, air, food, livable wages, and equity for all the citizens of this land and those lands our nation is protecting from violence, exploitation and greed. Just because a person makes a law does not make the law fair, right or just. What makes any law just is that it is consistently applied to all.

Have a great day and a better tomorrow.
Allen J Cannon

US Citizen and Veteran, US Army

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