Thursday, May 31, 2018

Breaking the news with real breaking news ! ! !

 Every facet of life is tied to politics. This is not a statement that anyone can deny. What we are allowed to say, where we live, how we shop, the information we share, the information we are given, and what it emphasized is a matter of politics. Legislation outlaws baggy pants, no shoes no shirt service, bans on athletic attire, and business dress codes are founded and backed by legislation. The sale of items, the permission to own and operate shops, and where a business can be located are legislated. Zones, variances convents, and permits control what may be done in and on one’s property. Access to schools are controlled by districts who operate based on law.

 People need to start the discussion in churches, fraternities, and in every social network platform the change that is about to occur.  This is vitally important to the fabric of life in America. Soon the shift of who has that say will occur. The concentrated populated areas will control representation in the House of Representatives.  Gerrymandering will be broken as will the control lobbyist have over the House.

How is this possible? The case of LaVergne Vs US House of Representatives is moving toward oral argument. This monumental case establishes undeniable proof that the urban legend of Article the First is real.  This once thought to have been an unratified amendment to the Constitution, has been proven to be authentic and valid.

The very first protection offered to the masses by the founding fathers was to ensure that the people remain accurately represented in the law-making process. The link explains what the “proposed” amendment was to be. There are many details that went into proving this has actually been law for over 100 years. I will spare readers the details but will state that the finest law scholars have examined the findings and agree.

What does this all mean? It means that as the population grew the US House of Representatives should have grown. Currently there are 435, noting that it was actually lowered from 437.  These seats are often controlled by county level politicians in gerrymandered districts. This finding and court case should be on every major news network in the country. It is not.  This means that highly populated areas will get their own representation. Major urban centers having excess of 50,000 people will get at least 2 Representatives. Based on 2010 census data the count of members should be over 6,000. That number will rise after the 2020 census is complete.  Census taking is a direct step in determining the number of seats in the House.

Due to the recent issues of election rigging, gerrymandering, altered ballots, and the inaction of Congress to ensure valid elections occur the information of this game changing storm coming should be on everyone’s lips. A few links are provided to substantiate the current flaws in the system as we know it.
Despite the common held belief that few even knew the DNC were getting sued many still do not know the case won appeal and is in court right now:   As of the writing of the article. Updates can be found here:  Not the link is a twitter account which means information can go out immediately if need arises.

So, what can you do? For immediate action you can begin sharing this information with all you know. All friends and family should know it. There are deeper writings and video posted to fully understand the case of LaVergne Vs US House of Representatives on this blog:

There is a plan to remove those responsible for ignoring the rigging of the Presidential election and to deal with those who participated in that rigging. Please understand that we only have a valid reason to oppose a winner if the winner is determined fairly. When the fair competition is compromised we have a responsibility to address that failing in the system because no legitimate winner has emerged.
 There is no such thing as a half-rigged election. There is no election as long as a winner is predetermined. That is a selection.  There are people who are tasked with the responsibility of representing the millions of people who can not come to meetings for what ever reason. Usually the reasons are distance and the number of constituents involved. It is necessary to have Representatives to get anything done.  What is not necessary or even ethical, is for those representatives to ignore the constituents and stake holders.

Consider this fact.  Many of the office holders are from legal career backgrounds.  It is a crime, as a lawyer, to fail to represent a client to the best of one’s ability. So, there is no excuse for anyone having that background to fail to understand the concept of representation. Fact: Elected office comes with a fiduciary responsibility.
According to CityEthics org, “One reason that government ethics is described in terms of obligations is that government officials have a fiduciary duty or obligation toward the community for which they work (and which, in some cases, elected them). Government officials have a special obligation toward the community, usually referred to as “the public,” that is unlike any other obligation. Government ethics deals with conflicts between this special obligation and an official’s other obligations.”
The public has been indoctrinated into accepting corruption and the selective enforcement of the law.  It should not be an acceptable expectation that politicians are corrupt.  The insinuation that to even be in politics one must become corrupt or accept corruption is ridiculous.  
It is time to end this cycle. It starts with us. As we take the house we do so in the interest of the public good. Those who represent our communities will be from those communities and no longer have to have millions at their disposal to run for office. With the limitation of 50,000 constituents each Representative will have to face the people they have been ignoring.
 What is next? We the People of the United States must own our destiny. We must not only push for, but be uncompromising when confronting those who have held the truth from us for so long. We must hold them accountable by vowing to never vote for them again. Yes, it is that simple. The House is our house. It was meant for us. It was not meant to be handed down as a family heirloom or bartered away for personal favors or access to the Congressional floor to bribe our representation.
The source documents of this case can be found by using the following link:

Please know that all we have done this because we have no other choice.  This is not about left, right, red, or blue. This is about right and wrong. The corruption has reached a degree of intolerable proportions and is risking the fatal collapse of our nation. Policy is the action one takes and the decided course of action deemed acceptable to those in the position to enforce it. Our policy is to stand against corruption no matter the source.  Corruption is no longer acceptable nor can we afford to tolerate it any longer. In light of this evidence we can say platforms are ineffective and meaningless as our list of unresolved issue grow and life becomes more difficult for hard working Americans who are reduced to just struggling to survive and abide by the law.

I am Allen J Cannon, and I am Anti-Corruption.

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